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  • Ko je Nikolina Trivunić, kako bi sebe najkraće predstavio/la?

Nisam osoba koja rado priča o sebi, više volim da to dela pokažu. Naravno ona nekada mogu biti i pogrešna, ali još učim o sebi i drugima, pa su kritike i sugestije dobrodošle :) Od onih osnovnih informacija, dolazim iz Bijeljine, imam 21 godinu i studiram softversko inženjerstvo na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka.

  • Koja su tvoja interesovanja i hobiji?

Svestrana sam osoba i moja interesovanja se menjaju iz meseca u mesec, ili nedelje. Zavisi koliko jako se “zakačim” za neku temu, ali aktivnosti koje su tu već godinama su trening i gledanje serija.

  • U slobodno vreme možemo da te sretnemo na kojim lokacijama u gradu?

Ako nisam u čitaonici ili na treningu, onda se igram sa sestrićem u Limanskom parkiću.

  • Šta je bio okidač da kreneš u volontersku avanturu?

Mogu reći da je želja za promenom sebe bila okidač. Cela Korona situacija koja nas je zadesila nije baš nafinije uticala na moje psihičko zdravlje i malo sam pala što bi rekli, ali uz podršku najbližih menjala sam rutinu i uključila se na volonterske akcije koje su me još više razdrmale. Danas sam u ovoj priči jer želim da uradim nešto korisno i za druge.

  • Kakvo je tvoje iskustvo u volonterskim „vodama“

Koliko sam dosadna drugarima da i oni krenu sa volontiranjem dokaz je da su iskustva predivna, jer pored toga što pomažemo drugima dosta toga naučimo kroz radne radionice i obuke. Takođe dobijamo korisna znanja rešavajući izazove na samom volontiranju.

  • Koja je za tebe formula i ključ volontiranja?

Dolazimo na vreme

(“Jer vreme je jedini resurs koji ne može da ne nadoknadi!” Vojislav Prkosovački)

+Brinemo o sebi, drugim volonterima, opremi i prostoru u kom radimo

+Istražimo zanimljivosti volonterske avanture

+Postavljamo pitanja ako nam nešto nije jasno


  • Koju bi volontersku akciju posebno izdvojio/la?

Svako volontersko iskustvo mi je drago na svoj način i ne mogu izdvojiti jedno kao posebno. To su sve moja deca :)

  • Koliko volontiranje pomaže mladima da se samoostvare, da nađu put do sebe i nekog svog „zvanja“ u budućnosti? 

Kada predložim nekome da se priključi volontiranju u većini slučajeva reakcija mladih bude “a ne bih ja ništa besplatno radio”. Na takve odgovore se prvo razočaram jer nisu dovoljno informisani, ali sa druge strane se obradujem jer onda kreće moj nastup i minimum 15 minuta priče. Ako neko želi uvek mogu lično da prepričam doživljaje, ali sada ću kratko opisati lični napredak. Pored toga što sam počela da volim sebe onakvu kakva sam, postala sam svesnija svojih kvaliteta i samopouzdanje mi je poraslo, strah od javnog nastupa je manji, ali na tome još radim :) iii naravno proširila sam krug prijatelja sa sjanim ljudima. (velikom srce mojim volonterima!)

Dodala bih još da kroz sve one radionice I obuke koje sam spomenula sam naučila sam više o profesiji kojom želim da se bavim, dobila mnogo ponuda za prakse i upoznala možda buduće kolege. :)

We are all Rachel Greene till we decide to do something, or become someone!

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For those of you that don´t know who Rachel Greene is, I will make it clear to you once and for all! Rachel Greene is this beautiful character from one of the most famous series worldwide called “Friends”! She doesn’t have a profession, but she is rich and beautiful (she got a nose job-don´t forget that fact) but not everyone has that same luck.

So, when does her real-life start? Well just right after she leaves Barry at the altar and she cut all her credit cards, then she started this completely new life, from trained for nothing she achieves and becomes one of the most successful managers at Ralph Lauren in a couple of years, and not only that  but she becomes a mom as well, with the one person she really loved, so she achieved all that because she chose to do something, and she did something!

To start a completely new life is scary, actually it’s a terrifying adventure but worth it in every step. To become someone independent and useful is something most people struggle with all life, so that´s why you should be careful not to waste your time, but to use it wisely, to gain new things every day, a lesson, a memory, a skill! Everyone has the power do that and every day is a new chance for you, for me, for everyone to start over or to start fresh.

The start is the hardest step but once you step in, you cannot get out without fulfilling all your goals so go on, start doing something, start becoming someone. Let it be today. Let it be tomorrow or even after tomorrow, just don´t wait too long you might lose the window…

But how can you, we do all that?

The key is starting to know yourself even if you think you´re are way too old to do that, or even if you think you know every cell of your mind and heart, it is like the process of blood cells, if it starts to end you are in danger, but knowing yourself is a journey that ends when you lose the skill to think or the desire to become better, or to achieve something more!

So this is the beginning of every power to know yourself and find where you belong, and to find your window or windows to achieve great things. But the beginning is only the first stone in the wall. After that starts the hard road, starts the complication of building, creating, of working, of giving everything and still failing but that´s the beauty of life, the lesson: To never give up, and to never leave unless there is something brighter for you and the community that surrounds you!

 So how do we start to know ourselves?

We try things we know very good from inside-out, things we think ourselves of as masters, things we think can make them work, things we know and we are not afraid to show that we know better! This is the best part or side, then you should start doing things you might not like so much or dislike, like getting a seasonal job, doing chores you do not like, learning how to cook, clean, respect rules and make space for everyone! You might have to work in a job you hate but it is better than becoming a burden for your family, couple or someone else. You might have to do some tasks or decisions that go all against your beliefs but that´s life, you must gain the skill to compromise!

After all that you start working with goals, objectives and priorities! But before all this you need to decide which are the things, the skills you need for a job, for a new position at your firm, and which ones you want to learn as a hobby, so if you do this you´ve framed your goals as well, at the same time!

After you frame your goals it is time to put everything in, the passion, the time, the love, the effort, the hard work and everything that might be needed! If it is needed you will have to sacrifice some things as well but you have to put in balance what is more important to you, so make sure the path you choose will make you happy as well!

Three main things when you develop yourself, get to know yourself, and get to do all the above are:

Seasonal jobs - It is one of those experiences that you get enriched by day by day, depending from the job sometimes you get even healthier, but you will get exhausted every day, but the feeling of earning something (salary, compliments, gifts, reviews) it rewards everything you will feel some kind of heaven in hell!

Internships - are the best way to get new skills or improve that, and it is one of the first steps to be a real professional, you get to know how the system works, how the hierarchy in the office works, what is your place there, you get to know new people, have fun, enjoy a new phase of your life and experience a different view and perspective of life after studies or in the middle of them! So, it is the start to prove the expression: If you think your teacher was hard wait till you get an internship or a job- but do not be afraid- some things are meant to be learned the hard way.

Volunteering – Well, there are different ways of volunteering, different areas of interests and of course different ways of doing it or taking action but all the ways are brought together with one main reason or intention: To do good, to make a change, to make it better, to help, to bring good emotions and most importantly to immerse yourself into the process and reaching some outcomes and values from all that.

But why is volunteering important? Because of three main reasons. One, because you actually get to be a part of these amazing things, part of a group, part of fun, part of a community and part of the difference! Two, you get to create a lot of things and challenge, it doesn´t matter how you challenge yourself, but the important thing is that you challenge yourself, and the part of creation is the most important during the time of volunteering you get to create friendships, tools, memories, a new nest, and a new perspective of seeing life. Three, you create a network so you can start a cooperation, a project anytime, because you get to know so many professionals that are ready to help, collaborate and work with you, and actually if you are lucky enough you find people who will care for you for a long time, and it is better a friend than a treasure, trust me, I speak from experience!

Don´t wait too long, do something, become someone, start the process; get involved! Be the next Rachel!


Adrian Zalla


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  • Ko je Aleksej Rakić, kako bi sebe opisao?

Ja sam jedan poprilično opušten i druželjubiv lik, studiram radiološke tehnologije na Medicinskom fakultetu, i tehnički sam domaćica, jer se ja brinem o bratovom i mom domu!

  • Koja su tvoja interesovanja i hobiji?

Jako volim i uživam da kuvam (volonteri koji su probali moj banana hleb mogu da svedoče), naročito za druge ljude. Uživam u voženju rolera, slušanju muzike (pretežno rok i metal), igram video igre i raspravljam o politici. Ponekad volim da izađem sam ili sa društvom i gađam sa mojim lukom i strelom.

  •  U slobodno vreme možemo da te nađemo na kojim lokacijama u gradu?

Ako nije neki volonterski događaj, zapravo ne izlazim iz stana preterano često, ali kad izađem, obično ludim na Medicinskom fakultetu ili na praksi u nekoj bolnici, ili odem da sa nekim društvom u bioskop. Zapravo ne volim da idem na žurke ili koncerte, iako uživam u slušanju muzike, većinom jer ne volim da sam okružen sa toliko nepoznatih ljudi.

  •  Koji je bio okidač da kreneš u volontersku avanturu?

Na sajmu obrazovanja 2019. sam naišao na OPENS-ov štand, i onda sam odlučio da se učlanim i krenem da volontiram. Hteo sam da nađem nov način da se nateram da izlazim iz stana više, i da upoznavam nove ljude.

  •  Kakvo je tvoje iskustvo u volonterskim “vodama”?

Dosta prijatno,kroz ove dve i po godine sam svašta iskusio, i mislim da mi je grupna dinamika u volontiranju pomogla u pronalaženju sebe. Zapravo često preporučujem volontiranje drugim ljudima kao dobar način da upoznaju nove prijatelje i da se socijalizuju bolje.

  • Koja je za tebe formula i ključ volontiranja?

Mogu samo reći šta formula za mene, lično. Kakav god da je događaj, mislim da volonteri moraju biti nekako uključeni u nekakvu “akciju”. Događaji gde bismo mi samo stojali sa strane, brzo bi dosadili. Ja čak i uživam kada imaju nekakvi fizički zadaci, jer sam i dalje pećinac u duši!


  •  Koju bi volontersku akciju posebno izdvojio?

Tri mi odmah padaju na pamet su Festival Boja 2019, MTB šampionat i naše volontiranje sa Vojskom Srbije gde smo pomagali u nameštanju bolnice na Sajmu. Festival boja mi je bio izuzetno zabavan zbog čiste haotičnosti, nas par smo delili posetiocima boje, i onda gledali naš ručni rad kad su krenuli svi da je razbacuju okolo. Na MTB-u u Novom Sadu sam proveo 5 dana, gde smo konstantno trčali okolo po Petrovaradinu i testirali svoje sposobnosti do maksimuma. Nameštanje bolnice je bilo zabavno jer smo zajedničkim snagama ogromnu količinu posla odradili, jedini problem je bila upala mišića narednih par dana.

  • Koliko volontiranje pomaže mladima da se samoostvare, da nađu put do sebe i nekog svog “zvanja” u budućnosti?

Mislim da volontiranje pruža mesto ljudima svih interesovanja da se druže sa ljudima sa kojima su slični i da zajedno uz rad se bolje upoznaju ili možda saznaju nešto o sebi. Volontiranje je dosta raznoliko, pa može skoro svako da nađe nešto za sebe.